By the following dates your performance/script should include:
January 11th-· “Google doc me” your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address
January 13th-
• 6 minutes of documetary should be complete (Edited, images, video clips, voiceovers)
• Thesis should be included in narration with “R” word evident
• Time period should be evident through voiceovers, images, and video clips
• Historical Time period explanation-- E-S-P description of your time era with statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors-include at least 1 primary source that illustrates your point- tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme
• Timeline of events that reflects at least 2 of the 5 stages should be evident
• Short Term Impact
• Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)
January 19th-
- 10 minutes of footage should be complete
- Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)
- Long Term Impact/Conclusion
- Interview needs to be complete and part of documentary or evidence of contact
- Law case relationships (this is a "must")
- Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic
- Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in
- Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions
January 22-
• Finish any last minute editing and voiceovers
• Process Paper