Monday, January 9, 2012

NHD Websites

Winning Website Examples

1. This website was done by Constitution High School freshman (Dan Soto) in 2010-2011 (He won 1st place in the city)---The theme was Debate and Diplomacy:

2. This website was the 3rd place winner in the United States (2009-2010)-The theme was Innovation:

By the following dates your website should include:

January 11th-

· “Google doc me” your NHD-Weebly Addresses and pass-codes at: share and include your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th-

Home page that defines your topic in terms of the NHD theme "R" should include thesis, primary source documents, banner, introduction (What is your website about)

Historical Time period/era--1 page E-S-P description of your time era with a statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors

Timeline of events that reflects the 5 stages (This page should have a minimum of 10 primary sources)

Theme page---at least 1 primary source document that sums up/describes/defines your topic in terms of your theme---tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

Short Term Impact

Long Term Impact

Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)

January 19th

Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)

Interview quotations (at least copies of contact letters and replies)

Law case relationships (this is a "must")

Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic

Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in

Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

January 22-

All captioning

Process Paper

Video footage should be completely installed and smoothly working

Spelling & editing

January 24th (Final Grading will begin)

Projects should be complete--- word count, 2 printed copies of process paper and annotated bibliography ---this is for the judges

January 26th (School-wide Competition/City-wide candidates will be chosen)

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