Monday, January 9, 2012

NHD DOcumentary

By the following dates your performance/script should include:

January 11th-· “Google doc me” your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th-

6 minutes of documetary should be complete (Edited, images, video clips, voiceovers)

Thesis should be included in narration with “R” word evident

Time period should be evident through voiceovers, images, and video clips

Historical Time period explanation-- E-S-P description of your time era with statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors-include at least 1 primary source that illustrates your point- tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

Timeline of events that reflects at least 2 of the 5 stages should be evident

Short Term Impact

Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)

January 19th-

  • 10 minutes of footage should be complete
  • Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)
  • Long Term Impact/Conclusion
  • Interview needs to be complete and part of documentary or evidence of contact
  • Law case relationships (this is a "must")
  • Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic
  • Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in
  • Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

January 22-

Finish any last minute editing and voiceovers

Process Paper

NHD Performance

Performance Example

By the following dates your performance/script should include:

January 11th-

· “Google doc me” your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th-

2 entire scenes or 4 minutes of script should be memorized (no script used)

Thesis should be included in narration with “R” word evident

Time period should be evident through characters words or character’s words

Historical Time period explanation-- E-S-P description of your time era with statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors-include at least 1 primary source that illustrates your point- tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

Timeline of events that reflects at least 2 of the 5 stages should be evident

Short Term Impact

Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)

January 19th-

· Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)

· Long Term Impact/Conclusion

· Interview needs to be complete or evidence of contact

Law case relationships (this is a "must")

Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic

Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in

Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

2 remaining scenes need to be complete

January 22-

1 Scene board

Process Paper


Spelling & editing

Costume ideas

NHD Paper

Winning Paper Example

By the following dates your paper should include:

v The text of historical papers must be no less than 1,500 and no more than 2,500 words in length. Each word or number in the text of the paper counts as one word.

v The paper category 2,500 word limit does not apply to: notes, annotated bibliography, illustration captions, and supplemental/appendix material. Appendix material must be directly referred to in the text of the paper.

v Citations—footnotes, endnotes or internal documentation—are required. Citations are used to credit the sources of specific ideas as well as direct quotations. Refer to Part II, rule 17, for citation styles. Please note that an extensively annotated footnote should not be used to get around the word limit.

January 11th-

· “Google doc me” your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th

· Introduction: your introduction should tell the reader where you intend to go with the rest of your paper (must include thesis). 

· Body: the main body of your paper is where you can make the case for your conclusion. Present your evidence, the primary sources, and your analysis of how they support your thesis.

· Historical Time period explanation-- E-S-P description of your time era with a statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors-include at least 1 primary source that illustrates your point- tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

· Timeline of events that reflects the 5 stages (This area should have a minimum of 10 primary sources)

· Short Term Impact

· At least 1000 words of your paper should be written at this point

· All footnotes that pertain to the words written should be in place

January 19th

· Long Term Impact/Conclusion

· Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)

· Interview quotations (at least copies of contact letters and replies)

· Law case relationships (this is a "must")

· Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic

· Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in

· Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

January 22nd

· Have a list of appendices that will be included

· Spelling & editing

· Paper should be subtitled (different areas of paper should be titled)

NHD Exhibits

Winning Exhibit Example example.jpg

By the following dates your exhibit should include:

January 11th-

· “Google doc me” your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th-

Titles of defined areas on your board (see example)

Boards must be covered in paper or painted

Area of board that defines your topic in terms of the NHD theme "R" should include thesis, primary source documents, introduction (What is your exhibit about)

Historical Time period explanation-- E-S-P description of your time era with a statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors-include at least 1 primary source that illustrates your point- tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

Timeline of events that reflects the 5 stages (This area should have a minimum of 10 primary sources)

Short Term Impact

Long Term Impact

Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)

January 19th-

Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)

Interview quotations (at least copies of contact letters and replies)

Law case relationships (this is a "must")

Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic

Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in

Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

January 22-

All captioning is complete and on board

Process Paper

All technical video footage (if applicable) should be completely installed and smoothly working

Spelling & editing


If models have been built-should be completed

NHD Websites

Winning Website Examples

1. This website was done by Constitution High School freshman (Dan Soto) in 2010-2011 (He won 1st place in the city)---The theme was Debate and Diplomacy:

2. This website was the 3rd place winner in the United States (2009-2010)-The theme was Innovation:

By the following dates your website should include:

January 11th-

· “Google doc me” your NHD-Weebly Addresses and pass-codes at: share and include your name and email address as well as your parent’s email address

January 13th-

Home page that defines your topic in terms of the NHD theme "R" should include thesis, primary source documents, banner, introduction (What is your website about)

Historical Time period/era--1 page E-S-P description of your time era with a statement that connects your topic and theme to these factors

Timeline of events that reflects the 5 stages (This page should have a minimum of 10 primary sources)

Theme page---at least 1 primary source document that sums up/describes/defines your topic in terms of your theme---tell the story of how/why this primary source document symbolizes your theme

Short Term Impact

Long Term Impact

Annotated Bibliography 30 sources in order (separated primary/secondary)

January 19th

Annotated Bibliography (50 sources for 10th graders, 40 for freshman)

Interview quotations (at least copies of contact letters and replies)

Law case relationships (this is a "must")

Human-biographical story(ies) that illustrate your theme/topic

Archival visits completed-accountability sheets handed in

Other important information such as failed reform, revolution attempts or enemies of the reforms or reactions

January 22-

All captioning

Process Paper

Video footage should be completely installed and smoothly working

Spelling & editing

January 24th (Final Grading will begin)

Projects should be complete--- word count, 2 printed copies of process paper and annotated bibliography ---this is for the judges

January 26th (School-wide Competition/City-wide candidates will be chosen)